Remember when you would post something on Facebook and anyone following you would see it? Those were definitely the good ole' days.
If you've been managing a Facebook Page for your company over the past few years, I am sure you noticed the drop in organic engagement. This is partly due to the amount of content being posted and the overall pay-to-play model on Facebook.
In order to get your content in front of people who are actually following your brand, you have to pay to "boost" your post or generate social ads to promote that content.
In a study conducted by SocialFlow, they found that organic reach on Facebook dropped 42% between January and May 2016. To make matters even more dire for marketers, Facebook changed their news feed algorithm to prioritize friends and family content over brand pages.
What does this translate too? It means the content you're posting isn't being seen, which translates into lower clicks rates, etc. As you can imagine, the way around this is to pay. Spending more money means getting in front of more eyeballs. If you're going to spend the money, here are a few tips:
1. Be strategic about the content you post. Is it important enough to pay for, or can you post it and rely on organic reach.
2. Remind your loyal followers that they can set up notifications on content posted by your brand under the "Follow" menu of your Page.
3. Treat Facebook strictly as a paid platform. Be sure to target your audiences correctly. Tailor your post to a select audience to get better engagement and ROI.
4. Consider the traditional avenue of emails to reach your audience for generating traffic to your website or blog.
If you're interested in discussing your current social media marketing efforts, feel free to contact me.